Friday, November 21, 2008


Around ten o’clock the other night, I began mentally gearing myself up for the challenge that lay ahead of me. I was stuck on this one essay, that was already late, and I had several other essays I needed to get cracking on, but I was just so tired and brain-fried from being sick that I quailed at the prospect of writing again that night. I almost despaired at the challenge of slogging it out with that paper again for even the thought of returning to my computer and once again to forcing my brain to form the knowledge and ideas in my head into correctly spelled words that would make up make complete sentences, coherent paragraphs, and a cohesive essay was exhausting. Then whilst thinking about what hard work writing could be and how difficult and perhaps even begrudging it can be even for one like myself who loves to write, indeed cannot keep from writing a thought struck me that allowed me to set to work undaunted.
I was suddenly reminded again of one of the weird qualities of my craft, one of the strange aspects of writing, one of the paradoxes of art itself: it may be easiest to write when I am inspired, the words well up inside me like the tide and come pouring out through my fingers with an unstoppable energy, and that may well be some of my best work ever, yet some of my best work on my stories has come during the times were I felt like I was getting nowhere, when I felt like slamming my head against the computer screen, when I had to fight for every word. There is a certain sense of awe and wonder and joy that comes when the words and ink fly but without a doubt that there is nothing quite like the pride that comes from having wrangled your brain eight ways from Sunday, having twisted and stretched and slammed your brain against the mat hour after hour until you have forged the words into something beautiful, just as there is nothing like the satisfaction that comes from standing bone-tired tired looking upon all you have accomplished in a day’s work.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Obama Birth Certificate Scandal

A friend recently posted an article on Facebook about the recent court case brought by attorney Philip J. Berg (who is a life long Democrat and former Democratic Party County Chair) involving the court investigation of Presidential Candidate Barack Obama's American Citizenship. A debate ensued between a friend of hers and myself.

He posted this:

"Why hasn't Obama provided anything to the court? Probably because the case was dismissed for lack of subject matter on October 24. Meaning, Berg didn't have enough burden of proof to warrant the obvious damage the allegations would cause if they ended up being false.

It's still pending appeal, so anything can happen I guess."

This was my answer:

"First: That the case was dropped "for lack of subject matter" is false. According the the
article you cited, but evidently didn't read, Judge Surrick dropped the case because he felt "that Berg lacked standing to bring the suit because he did not face direct harm even if the allegations were true."

That ridiculously sad excuse of a technicality doesn't even hold water! Anytime the Constitution is violated by anyone in a government office and it is ignored, or worse yet encouraged, every American suffers. The judge should have his license revoked for hindering the public outcry for reassurance that our Constitution is not being trampled with such a terrible distortion of justice!

On the other hand, if, as you and several other articles say, the judge dismissed the case because it was potentially too damaging to Sen. Obama that also is a terrible slap in the face of the law and the American people.

Sen. Obama, and anyone who has ever run for the Office of President, knew going in that every aspect of the life, from birth to present, is up for investigation by the media, individuals, and the law. He knowingly opened himself up to such questions and attacks and should be ready and willing to face them with hard facts and good answers, not avoid the searing light of truth by exploiting weak legal technicalities.

Second: The whole point is that it's potentially damaging! To say that the case is potentially too damaging, is to say that Sen. Obama's feelings and reputation are more important than upholding justice and the rights of the American people. We deserve to know the truth!

The only reason for Sen. Obabma to fight this investigation is if he truly has something to hide! If he is a true American citizen he as nothing to hide: all he has to do is release his certificate to the court and he gets exonerated, and Mr. Berg looks like an idiot. That's a win-win situation for him!

By hiding from the inquiries like a coward he has only further damaged his reputation by giving people just cause to be suspicious of him."

Am I the only one who finds it highly suspicious that there are two differing and equally sketching looking copies of Sen. Obama's birth certificate to be found on supposedly dependable websites (including his own official site) yet he refused to vindicate his name by simply showing the hard copy to a judge?

Am I the only one who feels indignant that some judge decided tha I and the rest of the decent, law abiding, tax paying citizen's of this nation don't deserve to know the truth? That some random judge decided it doesn't matter if Senator Obama may not be an eligible candidate for President because we might damage his reputation by even investigating that fact?

Am I the only one incredulous that the major media has completely ignored this issue? That all of the high and mighty journalist out there who pride themselves on bringing the people the truth don't give a flying fig that it's two days till Election Day and we still have reasonable doubt as to the popular candidates eligibility of the job?

Sometimes I wonder what this nation is coming to. If in a few weeks or months Mr. Berg's appeal does go through, I'm going to laugh in bitter irony and shame as America becomes the laughing stock of the world for having not made sure our President was even eligible before we elected him.

Of course this it investigation probably never will be reopened because if you begin to consider the two absurdly flimsy reasons for this law suit's dismissal one has to start wondering who paid off the judge...